Career and Technical Education (CTE)
We envision creating career pathways and programs that will provide an overall emphasis on developing work-place skills and academic rigor that enables our students to become better qualified to compete for a career of their choosing.
The mission of our District Career and Technical Education program is to cultivate the potential in our students by integrating rigorous classroom instruction with relevant, work-based experiences that inspire, guide and empower them for post-secondary college and careers.
Rich Township Career & Technical Education Department is focused on preparing students to excel in the 21st century. CTE students choose a coherent sequence of courses in their interest area designed to prepare them for a career, technical school, 2-year, or 4-year university. In addition to their high school diploma, many CTE students will graduate with industry level certifications, industry training, and internship and career field experiences. Rich Township CTE Department offers coherent sequences in several of the 16 nationally recognized career clusters.
The Career and Technical Education Department is comprised of 4 content areas.