Nia Williams at TSU

Rising senior student, Nia Williams, of Rich Township High School, recently returned from an exciting and transformative experience at the Tennessee State University (TSU) All-Star Mathematics Institute. A potential TSU aspirant, Williams ventured out of state to attend the Institute, an experience she describes as both "fun and interesting." The program ran from July 10th through July 21st.

The All-Star Mathematics Institute (ASMI) is a free program that focuses on improving mathematical skills and increasing retention in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) disciplines.  The ASMI program is a collaboration between Tennessee State University (TSU; freshman and sophomore) and high schools in Nashville and surrounding areas. 

Williams sought to expand her skills and understanding in mathematics, a subject she confesses was not her favorite. Her main intent was to challenge herself and gain new exposure. She indeed found the experience so enriching that she expressed eagerness to do it again, crediting the supportive and inspiring TSU professors who guided her through the journey.

While at the Institute, Williams accomplished more than just learning math. She learned to articulate her thoughts more coherently, especially when explaining her problem-solving processes. It encouraged her to take risks, which in turn expanded her approach to solving math problems, extending this to real-life scenarios.

The most rewarding aspect of her time at the Institute, Williams reports, was gaining real-life experience. Living on a college campus and interacting with college students offered her a taste of campus life, enriching her learning experience.

Williams believes her time at the Institute will have a profound impact on her final year at Rich Township High School. She is looking forward to her math classes with newfound enthusiasm and anticipates her performance to reflect this newfound motivation.

For underclassmen interested in attending the TSU All-Star Mathematics Institute, Williams offers the advice: "Step out of your comfort zone and build on things you find tough, so you can grow." She encourages others to use the opportunity to broaden their horizons and expand their knowledge, as she has.

Williams envisions her experience at TSU to play a significant role in her post-secondary education journey. She felt that it provided her with excellent exposure, helping her build a strong network with TSU administrators, professors, and students.

This transformative experience demonstrates the opportunities available to our students, reinforcing our mission at Rich Township High School to focus on students and student success.