Black History Month Showcase

On Tuesday, February 6th, the community came together to honor and celebrate Black History Month in a vibrant showcase that marked its fifth anniversary. This year’s event was a resounding success, featuring an impressive collaboration between Elementary School District 159, Matteson School District 162, Park Forest-Chicago Heights School District 163, Rich Township High School District 227, and Southland College Prep Charter High School.

 The showcase was a rich tapestry of cultural expression, featuring the angelic choirs of Districts 162, 163, 227, and Southland College Prep, the soulful Jazz Bands from Districts 159, 227, and Southland College Prep, and the mesmerizing dance performances by Southland College Prep's Dance Troupe. The event was not just a celebration of Black history and culture but also a testament to the talent and dedication of our students and educators in the Southland.

 The event brought together all Superintendents and board members from the participating districts, alongside local elected officials. Their presence underscored the collective commitment to celebrating diversity and promoting educational excellence within our communities.

 Dr. Johnnie Thomas, Superintendent of Rich Township High School District 227, expressed his enthusiasm and pride for the event, stating, “This year’s Black History Month Showcase was a profound expression of our community’s talent, resilience, and heritage. Witnessing the unity and celebration of Black culture through the arts was truly inspiring. It is events like these that remind us of the strength found in our diversity and the importance of honoring our history not just during Black History Month but every day.”

 The success of the 5th Annual Black History Month Showcase is a reflection of the hard work and passion of all involved. It serves as a reminder of the power of community and the importance of coming together to celebrate our shared history and look forward to our collective future.

 We extend our deepest gratitude to all the students, educators, staff, and community members who made this event possible. Your dedication to fostering an