Attention Families: Anyone who was planning on taking advantage of the in-person registration assistance, the location has changed to the STEM campus from 8:00AM to 11:00AM.
over 2 years ago, Rich Township High School District 227
Change in Location
Learn more about important information regarding our new website, AP Boot Camp and more. Please read the following communication in its entirety for additional updates. Click here to watch this week's Superintendent Update: *Para obtener una copia traducida del mensaje semanal del Superintendente, visite nuestro sitio web y seleccione el idioma preferido de las opciones ubicadas arriba a la izquierda de la página.
over 2 years ago, Rich Township High School District 227
Weekly Update
HAPPENING TOMORROW, SATURDAY, JULY 9th. Don’t miss this chance to become a part of the Rich Township High School staff. Apply now at
over 2 years ago, Rich Township High School District 227
Security Hiring Event
La orientación obligatoria para estudiantes y padres se llevará a cabo en el campus de STEM (3600 203rd St, Olympia Fields, IL) el lunes 1 de agosto, martes 2 de agosto y miércoles 3 de agosto de 9:00 a. m. a 12:00 p. m. y 2:00 p. m. - 5:00 PM.
over 2 years ago, Rich Township High School District 227
Orientation Flyer - Spanish
Mandatory Student & Parent Orientation is being held at the STEM campus (3600 203rd St, Olympia Fields, IL) on Monday, August 1st, Tuesday, August 2nd, and Wednesday, August 3rd from 9:00AM - 12:00PM and 2:00PM - 5:00PM. Families attend on dates according to their last name.
over 2 years ago, Rich Township High School District 227
Orientation Flyer
NOW HIRING!! We have Food Service positions available. Please apply at Please direct any questions to the Food Service Coordinator, Betsy Williams (708) 679-5728.
over 2 years ago, Rich Township High School District 227
Food Service Hiring Post
REMINDER: Don’t miss this opportunity to join the Rich Township High School staff! In-person interviews and background checks will be on site. Full-time positions available for immediate start beginning at $20 per hour, plus benefits.
over 2 years ago, Rich Township High School District 227
Security Hiring Event
Notice of Public Hearing Five Clock Hour Instructional Day Waiver Rich Township High School District will hold a public hearing to present a proposal to the school board to waive the five-clock hour day state requirement for a 25-hour hour instructional week alternative. The hearing will be held Tuesday, July 26, 2022 at 6:30 p.m. at the district office at 20550 S. Cicero Ave., Matteson, Illinois
over 2 years ago, Rich Township High School District 227
Public Notice
We're thrilled to announce the new app for Rich 227! It's everything Rich 227, in your pocket. Download for Android Download for iPhone
over 2 years ago, Rich Township High School District 227
App Notification
Learn more about important information regarding our new website, late registration and more. Please read the following communication in its entirety for additional updates. Click here to watch this week's Superintendent Update: *Para obtener una copia traducida del mensaje semanal del Superintendente, visite nuestro sitio web y seleccione el idioma preferido de las opciones ubicadas arriba a la izquierda de la página.
over 2 years ago, Rich Township High School District 227
Weekly Update
Don’t miss this opportunity to join the Rich Township High School staff! In-person interviews and background checks will be on site. Full-time positions available for immediate start beginning at $20 per hour, plus benefits.
over 2 years ago, Rich Township High School District 227
Security Hiring Event
Learn more about important information regarding registration, AP Boot Camp and more. Please read the following communication in its entirety for additional updates. Click here to watch this week's Superintendent Update: *Para obtener una copia traducida del mensaje semanal del Superintendente, visite nuestro sitio web y seleccione el idioma preferido de las opciones ubicadas arriba a la izquierda de la página.
over 2 years ago, Matthew Shank
Coming Soon. New Website Platform!!
almost 3 years ago, Matthew Shank
Learn important information regarding placement testing, the freshmen elective form and more. Please watch the following communication in its entirety for additional updates. Click here to watch the weekly video message: *Para obtener una copia traducida del mensaje semanal del Superintendente, visite nuestro sitio web y seleccione el idioma preferido de las opciones ubicadas arriba a la izquierda de la página.
about 3 years ago, Rich Township High School District
MLK DAY: Today we celebrate and honor the life and achievements of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., and his contribution to civil rights. "Intelligence plus character — that is the goal of true education."
about 3 years ago, Rich Township High School District
NO SCHOOL: A reminder that there is no school on Monday, January 17, 2022 in honor of Martin Luther King Day. Enjoy the 3 day weekend!
about 3 years ago, Rich Township High School District
No School Reminder
VACCINATION CLINICS: In collaboration with the Cook County Health, RTHS will offer vaccination clinics on the following dates & locations: Fine Arts & Communication Campus (5000 Sauk Trail Richton Park, IL 60471 • Cheer Gym) - Tuesday, January 11 from 3-7 p.m - Tuesday, February 1 from 3-7 p.m. STEM Campus (3600 West 203rd Street Olympia Fields, IL 60461 • Room 200) - Thursday, January 13 from 3-7 p.m. - Thursday, February 3 from 3-7 p.m. First dose and 2nd dose vaccines will be offered to anyone over the age of 5. Boosters will also be offered! Walk-ins are welcome for all citizens. This is a free vaccine clinic and no appointment is necessary.
about 3 years ago, Rich Township High School District
Vaccine Clinic
HOMECOMING 2021 - THE GRAND GALA! Here's a look at our Spirit Week so you can plan ahead! Parents - We are looking for 25-30 parents to assist with coat check and hospitality during the Homecoming Dance on Saturday, October 23rd during the Fr/So Dance from 5:00-7:00 pm and during the Jr/Sr Dance from 8:00-10:00 pm. Click here to volunteer: For more information including dance ticket prices, visit our website at or click here:
over 3 years ago, Rich Township High School District
HC 2021 Spirit Week
WELCOME WELLS!: Rich Township High School District 227 is excited to announce and welcome Ms. Janice Wells who will serve as the Interim Co-Principal of RTHS! Alongside Mr. Larry Varn, the two will work together to provide stability, strengthen academic engagement and establish a culture of excellence at both the STEM and FAC Campuses. We heard our community concerns and worked with our Board of Education to respond responsibly. We are confident that this leadership duo will lead us to remain focused on students and student success.
over 3 years ago, Rich Township High School District
Welcome Ms. Wells
We'll also have a new app soon!
over 3 years ago, Rich Township High School District